Tired of having to check with multiple studios for available pole practice slots? Want to blast your music to your heart's content but paiseh?
Having a pole at home comes with plenty of benefits. You can practice at any time you want, you don't have to lug all your stuff with you, you can even host a pole party with all your friends!
So how do you know if your space is suitable for a pole?
Minimum Space:
Ideally, you should have 1.8m radius of clear space. The absolute minimum is 1.5m. Anything less and you will be kicking the wall, wardrobe or other obstacles. This is dangerous as it may cause you to fall, or objects to fall on you. The space clearance should have no tables, sofas, cat trees etc...! This includes your ceiling space! No light fixtures or ceiling fans!
To do a quick measurement if you don't have a measuring device on hand, have one hand where you want your pole to be, and stretch out the other hand. With both arms outstretched, walk one round around the space and see if you have an obstacle free zone.
Image from Xpole
If your ceiling is below 3.3m, you can choose to either use tension mount or permanent mount. If your ceiling is 3.3m and above, you need to install your pole with a permanent mount. It is not safe to install a tension pole.
Note: If you have a false ceiling, you will need to hire a contractor to install additional support on your ceiling, before you can install your pole. YOU CANNOT INSTALL A POLE DIRECTLY ON YOUR FALSE CEILING.
Generally, no special flooring is required. However, if you are concerned about slipping, you can place an anti-slip rubber mat between the pole base plate and floor!
For stainless steel, chrome, brass, and titanium gold finishes, just remember to wipe down with 70% ethanol before and after use! Remember to also clean the top dome and base plates! You will need to periodically wipe your pole down even if you do not use it!
For silicone and powder finishes, wipe down with soapy water or follow manufacturer's guidelines!
Decided to get a pole? Let us help you!
For more tips, check out our other pole related blog posts below!
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